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Public hearing May 14 on potential Metro transit cuts

Courtesy Ned Ahrens, KCDOT
Courtesy Ned Ahrens, King County

In just a week, bus riders will have a chance to tell the King County Council how a potential 17 percent cut in Metro transit service might affect them. The council’s Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee will listen to public comments at a hearing scheduled May 14.

If sustainable transit funding does not become available through efforts by the Legislature, an estimated $75 million annual revenue shortfall could force Metro to reduce bus service beginning in fall 2014. Metro has identified 65 routes at risk for elimination and 86 routes at risk for service reductions.

The potential cuts would create a transit system with fewer travel options and longer travel times, with buses that are more crowded and less reliable. These effects could cascade through the system as bus routes are eliminated and riders compete for space on other already-crowded routes.

So far, Metro has been able to avoid these cuts through $798 million in reforms, reductions and additional revenue – such as the implementation of the congestion reduction charge, a temporary $20 charge on vehicle licenses for two years. The fee ends in 2014, and without new sources of revenue, Metro must reduce service.

Open house and public hearing Tuesday, May 14
Union Station, 401 S. Jackson St., Seattle

Can’t attend? Submit your testimony online.

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